Privacy Policy

OT-HR Mobile app is provided by MSIS and is intended for use as to help HR Process.You agree to the collection and use of information according to this policy if you choose to use our Service. We collect Personal Information in order to provide and improve the Service. Except as specified in this Privacy Policy, we will not use or share your information with anyone.

Information Collection and Use

Data Collected

While using our Service, we may request you to give us with some personally identifiable information that can be used to contact employee, attendance, leave and payroll transaction. We will keep the information you provide and use it as outlined in this privacy statement.

Use of Data

OT-HR Mobile app uses the collected data to provide employee’s attendance, overtime, leave, asset, payroll and performance.

Log Data

We want to let you know that whenever you use our Service, we collect data and information (via third-party products) on your phone called Log Data in the event of an app problem. This Log Data may comprise information like your device's IP address, name, operating system version, app configuration when using our Service, time and date of use, and other data.


Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device's internal memory.

Cookies are tiny files that serve as anonymous unique identifiers. These are transmitted to your browser by the websites you visit and saved in the internal memory of your device. These "cookies" are not specifically used by this Service. Third-party code and libraries that utilize "cookies" to collect information and improve their services may be used by the app.


We value your trust in entrusting us with your Personal Information, thus we strive to protect it using commercially reasonable techniques.


OT-HR mobile app request location permission, camera permission for attendance.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may make changes our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, any changes will be notified to you by posting the revised Privacy Policy on this page. Prior to the change taking effect, we will notify you through email and/or an important notice on our Service, and we will revise the "effective date" at the top of this Privacy Policy. It is recommended that you examine this Privacy Policy on a regular basis for any updates. These changes are effective as soon as they are published on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us:

By email: info@myansis.com